Sunday, 1 September 2013

Component Fabrication Attempt #13

-- Rafting Issues --

There is a delicate balance watching the replicators building the rafts.  Sometimes it makes errors, sometimes it doesn't.  Sometimes if you let it go the errors kind of just fix themselves eventually as the layers build up, sometimes they don't.

More often than not it is best to not be too precious about the raft, so long as the final layer is reasonably flat then there is not likely to be an issue, however this is not always the case.  Above is an example of a piece of plastic which came loose and folded over itself.  This is a problem which would not have fixed itself and despite the fact that it had already taken about 6 minutes to print to this point it was best to cancel the job and start again.

After printing components all day it became pretty obvious what was and what wasn't going to work after about a minute of printing the raft and this reduced the amount of wasted time printing components that were going to be full of errors.


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