Sunday, 13 October 2013

Component Fabrication Attempt #21

I was trying to think of other shapes which I could lathe.  I have a few turned wooden bowls and thought it would be interesting if I could make something similar.  The cup was slightly revealing about the behaviour of the blue foam as the size of the object changed the way it behaved on the lathe.  The cup is about 15cm tall and because of the extra weight it wobbled more on the lathe and was difficult to get an accurate shape.  For some reason the foam flaked and chipped more (you can see a large gouge on the lip of the cup) at the larger size.  There was also the issue that because of the heavier weight the foam didn't stick to the bamboo skewer that ran through the middle, and after about 15 minutes of the lathe the skewer was so loose that the foam no longer turned with the lathe.

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